100 Mentors in 30 Days
This May, our goal is to recruit 100 mentors in 30 days, providing the Little Brothers and Little Sisters on our waiting lists with the support they need to achieve academic improvement, growth in self-confidence, development of life skills and avoidance of risky behaviors.
When you become a Big, you become a friend, a role model and give your Little access to new experiences through which they build higher aspirations for their life—you become a part of that young person’s success.
Be one of the 100.
Our Programs
Mentor your little in your community, 2-3 times each month.
Mentor your Little at school for one hour one day each week.
Mentor your Little at their after-school program site for one hour one day each week.
Why mentor?
Thousands of children in our region are facing adversity. Enduring relationships with caring adults are proven to help them develop more positive visions of themselves and their futures—and to thrive. When you volunteer, you start something BIG.
From building self confidence and improving academic achievement to connecting them with experiences that they otherwise would never have accessed, children with mentors are more likely to avoid risky behaviors, have higher aspirations and focus on what they’re capable of.
BBBS Littles Improvement (compared with youth not in BBBS)
LESS LIKELY to skip a class
LESS LIKELY to hit someone in school
LESS LIKELY to skip school
When compared to their non-mentored peers, Littles are: