Remember how much you LOVED getting mail when you were a kid? Here’s a story about that – it’s another perfect MISSION THURSDAY moment.
Little Sister Nialah and Big Sister Nicky have been keeping in touch by snail mail.
“We decided to be pen pals,” Nicky said recently. “I am enjoying it, as I really like to send and receive ‘real’ mail. I believe that Nialah is liking it as well. When you’re that age, you don’t get a lot of mail, and I remember being excited at that age to have received something.”
“I also like writing to each other this way,” Nicky said, “because it is giving her some practice in reading and writing, which is something that we have focused on developing since she and I first got matched. Her messages are getting slightly longer and a lot clearer with each card, so I’m feeling good about it.
“It’s my turn to write, and that is on my agenda for this weekend. She’s sent me some questions that need answering, like what my favorite animal is.”