Remembering Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina in your will is a wonderful way to invest in the potential of future generations. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.
In many cases, you can simply add a statement in your will naming Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina as a beneficiary. The following is an example:
I direct that my residuary estate be distributed to the following beneficiaries in the percentages as shown:
XX% – Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina Inc., Asheville, NC (EIN: 58-1505917), to be used for its general purposes.
If you prefer to identify a specific sum, you could consider the following:
I bequeath to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina Inc., Asheville, NC (EIN: 58-1505917), a gift of $XX,XXX, to be used for its general purposes.
Your financial planner or attorney can help you explore your preferred approach.
The following information may be helpful for estate planning:
Legal Name: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina Inc.
Address: 50 S. French Broad Ave, Suite 213, Asheville, NC 28801
Federal Tax ID (EIN): 58-1505917
For help and more information, contact BBBSWNC CEO Lelia Duncan at or 828-253-1470.