Matches have been active this summer!
Haywood County Big Sister Kara took this shot of Haywood matches cooling off on the Pigeon River. What a colorful group!
The Asheville Pickleball Association put on a clinic for us at Warren Wilson College in July for some of our middle school matches. It was a great day of fun, and some yummy pizza!
Blast off! In May, Cherokee County regional board member John LaChance led four lucky Littles – Kaiden, Mason, Chris, and Gabe – in a rocket-building project. Murphy Middle School principal Adam Clonts hosted us during our build and blast workshop.
Buncombe matches had a great time on the lake in June, thanks to Wolf Creek Adventures. The day of pizza and paddling was “by far our best day yet as a match,” Big Brother Cary Gray said. “We bonded so naturally, nothing felt forced. It was awesome.”
The Macon Jackson Advisory Council also got involved in some summer fun. Serenity Richards was the leading host of the third annual Cashiers Kids’ Color Course, and Meagan Crew and David Jons participated. From left are David, Danielle Hernandez (BBBS Program Director), Big Sister Karla, Little Sister Kira, Serenity, and Meagan.