To add to the challenge, we really struggled to get in touch with the second Little’s parents to get consent to continue communicating and figure out our options for that. It’s also more challenging to schedule the time to reach out and communicate with them about when and how we will connect. They aren’t checking their emails the way we do as adults, so it’s hard to get information to them in a timely manner. Whereas when we were in school, I could remind them in the hallway or pick them up easily.
It’s difficult with that one because I know he needs someone to talk to consistently and I want him to realize I can still be there. However, I can’t force him into chatting with me and I’ve had to respect that. I just really wish we were in school still so I could chat with him more easily. I know that he knows I’m here for him though and he has that space to chat, so that’s what I remind myself matters.
Overall, it’s been quite the adjustment but I’m so thankful we have the technology to still stay connected with our Littles. I enjoy the consistency as much as I hope they do.