Big Brothers Big Sisters offers three different programs to meet the varying needs of our Littles and their families and our Big Brother and Big Sister Volunteers. Contact your local BBBS Branch to find out what programs are offered in your area
In Community-Based matches, Bigs, who are at least 18 years of age, schedule activities with their Littles at a minimum of 2 times each month. Activities should last between 2 and 4 hours.
The Community-Based program is our most established mentoring option, providing ample latitude and creative license for matches to engage in a variety of simple, fun activities in and around their community that fit their individual interests.
Children who are eligible for a mentor in the community-based program are:
- From a single-parent family or live with relatives or foster parents
- Between the ages of 6 and 14
- Have an interest in participating in the program
Bigs in the Community-Based program commit to one calendar year.
In our After-School program, Bigs, who are at least 16 years of age, are paired with a young person for fun activities one hour each week at the child’s after-school program site.
Mentors will be offering consistency, encouragement and role-modeling to their Littles.
Activities can include homework, field games, basketball, tennis, cooking, arts & crafts and board games.
Bigs in the After-School program commit to one calendar year.
In our School-Based program, Bigs, at least 16 years of age, are matched with elementary-aged youth for fun activities one hour each week at the child’s school.
Mentors will be providing consistency, role-modeling, academic and emotional support to their Littles.
Activities include academic assignments in reading, writing and math, as well as opportunities for engaging in a variety of relationship-building activities such as board games, puzzles, outdoor activities and arts and crafts projects.
Bigs in our School-Based program commit to one calendar year.