January brought snow and a new match!
BBBS in Avery, Mitchell, and Yancey counties welcomes Little Brother Aspen and Big Brother Jim (and Jim’s dog Sherpa). Their first outing was a successful hike, enjoyed by all. Mom said she cried when Big Brother Jim shared this photo because she does not often see Aspen with such a huge smile.
Additionally, Big Sister Sam and Little Sister Anala, above, have almost been matched for three months!
In Buncombe County, Big Brother Daniel and Little Brother Hudson, left, are looking forward to going on bike rides and building things together.
Big Sister Abbie and Little Sister Brystol, below, are looking forward to going bowling together and many other fun adventures.
Big Sister Maggie and Little Sister Mia, below, are looking forward to swimming at the YMCA together. Bigs and Littles are able to be members at the Y with their BBBS membership cards.