Project MARS/AmeriCorps collects “Great Stories” from its members in which they reflect on their experiences mentoring in the classroom and the progress they see in students. This month’s story was written by Neil Perl, pictured below.
It was such a pleasure to serve along with my fellow Project MARS members. I can’t imagine how much was done for our students, schools, and communities knowing that our team was out there. We’ve accomplished so much.
The happiest moment of my year was when my service site welcomed me with open arms. From day one they treated me as part of the team. I was able to accomplish so much because they supported me every step of the way. Today I am a better educator to my students and know what it means to be part of a community.
The students I had the opportunity to serve have grown so much and made this journey so much fun. Being by their side, watching them grow, mature, learn, and explore has been so magical. I was able to learn so much alongside the students. Becoming their mentor and putting a smile on so many faces has made this past year one of the best ones of my life.
Being part of the Project MARS team, learning to serve the community and each other, has helped reignite a flame inside me to serve the community. This year has taught me how to organize service days to serve the community, enhanced my communication skills, conflict resolution skills, and so much more. My personal development has helped me learn how to assess circumstances and take actions in more profound and kind ways. I have learned how to stand my ground, but also how to do it in a respectful manner.
A year and a half ago, I couldn’t imagine myself doing the things I am today. Looking back and reflecting, this was absolutely the correct decision. It was scary and nerve-racking at times, but I’m so glad I pushed through. I can’t wait for year two.