Big Brother Allen, Little Brother Bryan
The pandemic restrictions have been hard for Allen, our Big of the Month, and his Little Brother Bryan, who see each other frequently. But they’ve managed nicely. Matched since August 2018, they hit it off right from the start!
Bryan has a twin brother and two sisters, so he has really loved having a Big Brother to do things just with him. Allen has been a huge supporter of Bryan’s youth league football team and has often taken him to practice. Their love for football also took them to a Carolina Panthers game last fall (Bryan had the time of his life!).
Allen has encouraged Bryan to do his best in school and has attended programs at the school, as well as meeting with Bryan’s teacher, along with Mom, to find out how to best help him. Allen has taken Bryan up in the mountains to tube in an ice-cold stream, as well to his place for a fun afternoon swimming in the pool.
They enjoy going out to eat at lots of different restaurants. They like watching old movies, playing games, exploring trails and so many other things. They are just perfect together!
Recently, Allen has been doing yard visits and said it has been so good just to see Bryan’s face. In addition to being an awesome Big Brother, Allen also serves on the board for BBBS of WNC and is a huge supporter of our organization. Congratulations to Allen for being our Big of the Month!