Tony, a graduating Little, graduates from East High School in Henderson County June 5. Like all other seniors this year, he won’t get a typical graduation. But his Big Brother Bill Parana, who plans to visit with him and give him a card and some cash for graduation, says he will celebrate this milestone with his Little Brother no matter what!
Tony and Bill have been matched since 2015, when Tony was a seventh grader. Because Tony lives with his mother and does not have any siblings, you can’t put a price on the difference that Bill’s time and attention have made in his life.
Over the years, Bill and Tony have enjoyed spending time together going fishing and out to eat. Bill has been there as a friend and confidant for Tony every step of the way. Tony says that Bill “has inspired me to be a better person.”
Tony currently works at Home Depot and is not sure of his plans after graduation. The one thing he is sure of is that he and Bill will be friends for life.
Big Brother Bill said being a Big is “one of the most rewarding things” he has ever done. Tony’s mom feels that Tony has benefited greatly from the Big Brothers Big Sisters program and said that Bill is “patient and very friendly.”