What a wonderful group of Littles we have among our 2020 high school graduates! Here’s an update on three of them (stories about other graduating Littles are here and here).
Elizabeth, a newly graduated Little Sister, plans to join the Marines in August when she turns 18. She’ll be able to get some good training, see the country and start a career. And to send her off in style, her Big Sister of three years, Tonna, gave her a nice high school graduation party in May outside at the Waynesville Recreation Center. Also there were Tonna’s daughter Carolina, Haywood Program Coordinator Martha Barksdale, and a family friend.
Some of Elizabeth’s favorite memories of her time with her Big Sister is when Tonna took her camping in Cherokee for an approved weekend. Having Tonna in her life has been an inspiration and motivator, Emily said. One day she hopes to be a Big Sister herself!
New graduate Marek and his Big Brother Doug were matched when Marek was 10 years old! Marek said that Doug has been “a beacon of support” and he “has a truckload of gratitude for him.” Marek will go to boot camp in August to train to be a nuclear engineer on Navy subs. We are all very proud of him!
De’Aunte and his Big Brother Ellis have been matched for seven years! De’Aunte will attend AB Tech for a year and then transfer to Brevard College where he will pursue a degree in Health Science and Physical Education. He wants to be a PE teacher and football coach! His Big Brother is Ellis.

BB Ellis and LB De’Aunte in 2019