To find out how it can serve youth in the Qualla Boundary, BBBSWNC staff spent July 21-22, 2022 learning about the Cherokee Indian experience in the Western North Carolina mountains.
(Caption for top photo: Yona Wade, Cherokee Central School community affairs director, leads our group through the campus of Cherokee Central School.)
Thanks to presenters such as Superintendent Michael Murray, Cherokee High School Principal Deb Foerst and Director of Community Affairs Yona Wade (all of Cherokee Central School), as well as Nola Teesatuskie, lead cultural specialist at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian, as well as by watching a performance of “Unto These Hills,” staff came away with a better appreciation of the challenges and experiences of the Cherokee people.
We are excited to start our High School Bigs program on the Qualla Boundary and are deeply appreciative of our hosts. We are also excited to learn more about Cherokee culture.