Thank you so much on behalf of the families and youth we serve, the incredible mentors, our staff, and Board of Directors! With your help, we raised over $54,000 on March 7 at Bowl for Kids’ Sake!! What a fun day we had, with 83 teams bowling, a DJ providing great tunes, prizes, and creative Rock n’ Bowl costumes. We greatly appreciate all of the sponsors who made the event possible, all of you who were there to make the day special, and all of you who donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters!
Our work now is as important as ever. We want to share what our staff are doing in this unprecedented time to support Littles and their families. Staff are focused on keeping existing Big/Little matches connected through phone calls, text messages, digital learning platforms and other technology enabled engagement tools. Bigs are helping with homework, reading with Littles, talking through their concerns, and strengthening their connection with their Littles and parents/ guardians. Staff are contacting families to identify needs, share resources about the school systems’ food sites, and sharing academic tools and pertinent information from school so that Littles don’t fall behind academically. Some Littles don’t have the technology they need to access, so staff are working to address those needs. With support from the Bigs and our staff, Littles and their parents or guardians (in some cases grandparents or great-grandparents) won’t have to face this challenging time alone.
THANK YOU for making a huge difference in the lives of children in Buncombe County! We wish the best for you and your family during this challenging time. For positive, uplifting stories you can follow our Facebook page:
With gratitude,
Jamye Davis
Assistant Director