Our Program Coordinators in Henderson, Polk, and Transylvania counties have been super-successful in recruiting Bigs lately, including a big batch of High School Bigs in Polk and Henderson counties.
Henderson County has seven new matches so far this month, including six High School Bigs who will spend an hour each week at their Little’s elementary school. Matched at Fletcher Elementary are Big Brother Jay and Little Brother Brantley, Big Sister AnnaGrace and Little Sister Ruby, BS Sarah and LS Luna and (not pictured) BS Maria and LS Jackie. The new match at Bruce Drysdale Elementary is BS Lila and LS Ciara.
Our Community-Based Match in Henderson County is LB Kayden and BB Taylor, who are looking forward to visiting game shops, playing board games, and discovering active activities. Our new School-Based Match is BB Steve and LB Enjel (not pictured).
In Transylvania County, new LB Nicholas and BB Bob are excited to play pickleball, go hiking, and explore.
And look at all the new Polk High School Bigs and their new Littles at Polk Central Elementary, Sunny View Elementary and Tryon Elementary!
- Big Brother Jay and Little Brother Brantley
- Big Sister AnnaGrace and Little Sister Ruby
- Big Sister Sarah and Little Sister Luna
- Big Sister Lila and Little Sister Ciara
- Little Brother Kayden and Big Brother Taylor
- Little Brother Nicholas and Big Brother Bob