Big Sister Annie, our AmeriCorps member for Transylvania County at Brevard Academy, was matched with Little Sister LeiArra. They are excited to play soccer, read together, and talk about all things animal-related (LeiArra has 7 dogs, 6 cats, chickens, ducks, and a gecko!).
Little Brother Colter met his new Big Sister Allison in Cherokee County on Nov. 6. Colter, who likes being outdoors and loves to talk to people, told Allison he wants to be a firefighter or paleontologist when he grows up (he loves Smokey Bear).
We have two new High School Bigs matches in Polk County. Big Brother James and Little Brother Ken’trel are full of energy and love sports. Little Brother Josiah and Lawson, joined in the photo by a school counselor, share a love of soccer. Josiah thinks it’s cool having the Polk County High School quarterback as a Big Brother.
In Buncombe County, Little Brother Jah’Baree and Big Brother Jason are looking forward to playing a lot of basketball together!
And in Rutherford County, Big Sister Jordyn and Little Sister Holley, who both love to draw, look forward to doing fun activities. Neither Big Sister Sofia nor Little Sister Emily have siblings, so they look forward to becoming great friends.
Little Brother David and Big Brother Mo in Transylvania County are excited to go hiking, explore the outdoors, exercise, and plan for post high school graduations plans for David.