This year’s event kicked off with an address from Erwin High School student and 5-year Little AJ—who took to the podium for his first ever public speaking engagement where he shared his thoughts and perspectives around the theme of gratitude:

“You can do anything that you put your mind to,” Little Brother AJ said, addressing the younger kids in the crowd with some of the wisdom and positive thinking he has gained from his relationship with his Bib Brother, Evan (pictured).
“My name is AJ—I’ve been matched with my Big Brother for 5 years and I’m here tonight to talk about gratitude.’m thankful for my parents—they’ve picked me up when I’ve been down and that’s also what my Big Brother Evan does. He’s also had a positive impact on the formation of my personality. He’s very joyful and a positive person. He wants me to stay positive. He always keeps me away from the negative,” said AJ, taking a minute to catch his breath as he was feeling a bit nervous in front of the crowd.
After describing how his mom and Big Brother have been so instrumental in keeping him uplifted, out of trouble and focused on his own success, AJ looked out at the dozens of much younger Little Brothers and Sisters sitting among the tables in Asheville High School’s cafeteria and addressed them directly:
“There’s something that I want to say to all the other Littles who are out here today: Our generation has an impact on what happens in the future and we have to take charge to try to change things for the better.”
AJ continued to describe his experience as a football player at Erwin High, explaining that his coach regularly emphasizes how much responsibility on each player to uplift others in the school—precisely because of the social power they have as the “alpha” males.
“He explained to us that we can make a difference just through our everyday actions. Like if we see someone sitting alone at lunch, we can go up and sit next to them and share a meal with them—do all that type of stuff. Anybody—any of you can be a leader. You can do anything you put your mind to.”
It was an uplifting message to start off the evening, and meant even more to the younger Littles coming from a cool older high-schooler who had been in the program for years. And AJ walks his talk too: holding down a 30 hour a week job at Ingles, keeping his grades up and educating himself on automobile mechanics, the young man proves the power of commitment and perseverance.
Over the rest of the evening, over 30 Littles from Buncombe and Henderson Counties were recognized for a diverse array of accomplishments, unique strengths and talents, aspirations and goals they met.
“For six years now, I’ve watched Tony grow from a little boy to a young man,” wrote Big Brother Barry in praise of his Little. “And at each annual recognition dinner I am so proud to report how Tony continues his unwavering drive to be the very best person he can be. He excels in his school grades as he prepares to enter high school. Tony has a voracious intellectual curiosity and is at home discussing a variety of subjects ranging from philosophy to religion. He also serves as an excellent big brother and a role model to his five siblings and exhibits a strong work ethic at school and at home. “Kayada has a kind heart,” wrote Big Sister Elizabeth, “She shows concern for others, loves animals and is a good friend. She especially loves dogs adn they love her too. She is also brave and likes to try new things, even when she thinks she might not like something. Kayada has a wonderful sense of humor and can make you laugh when you least expect it—she’s smart and fun to be around and we are all very lucky to have her in our community.”
This year, BBBS was especially happy to recognize the hard work and achievements of four young women who are graduating this year: Amari, Miracle, Rebecca and Kionnie. Two of these graduating Littles are planning to move on to college next year, one is considering enrolling in the National Guard and the fourth is planning on enlisting in the Navy. All four of them are committed to their futures and have optimistic outlooks on what awaits them and a LOT of energy they will be bringing to their pursuits. We honor them as they step into this new and exciting chapter of their lives!
Many touching and inspirational messages were delivered to Littles from their Big Brothers and Big Sisters, acknowledging them for everything from their theatrical pursuits, to their courage in trying new things to their sense of humor and ability to bring joy to others. In the photo gallery below, you can learn more in the captions about these amazing young folks, the gifts they carry and things they’re working on for their futures.

Kayada with her Big Sister Elizabeth. Kayada’s mother, Quann, who was also a Little Sister in the Buncombe County program when she was a kid, sits on opposite end of the table smiling on, happy to know that her own daughter has the support she needs to develop higher aspirations as well.
The evening wrapped up with a special address from one of the program’s long-time advocates and a parent of one of the graduating Littles—Pearly Hampton:
“Big Brothers Big Sisters has been so important in my life. I think you have to get to the point where you know that you’re struggling and you need help and you’re feeling alone: it’s OK to stop and say ‘I need some help’,” said Hampton.
And that’s where I was: I was lost…In my household it was me and my daughter. My best friend died, my mom had died my boyfriend left— THANK GOD!” she exclaimed comically, looking skyward, “And I was just left with myself. But you get to the point where you have to be humble enough to say: ‘I need some help’ and then that’s where Big Brothers Big Sisters came in.”
“And they have been amazing, they have been wonderful, they have been there for me and my daughter. Kelly, my daughter’s Big Sister, could not have been a better part of my family…She opened Amari up to a world that I know I wouldn’t have been able to: She took her whitewater rafting, activities with dogs…and horses—and I’m not going to do all that! I’m just not. But she opened her up to a whole new world that she would not normally have been around and I thank Kelly for that. And I’ll tell you—when you get to that point when you need somebody, y’all better go find them, because I still call them, I still cry to them, because I’m a big crybaby, and I thank God that I’m not crying right now…”
“But listen: you’re OK even if you say you need some help. It’s OK to say you need some help.”
Check out more photos and how Littles were recognized in the gallery below:
- The 2018 Graduating Littles! Many congratulations to all of you!
- Senior high schooler, Kionnie!
- Congrats to graduating Little Miracle.
- For the past three years, middle-schooler, Ryan, has been a member of the school band and for 2 years a member of the Chamber Singers who recently won a Superior Raiting at WCU’s competition. Ryan is also a member of his school’s “Battle of the Books” reading competition team and is in Honors World History and Honors English. He routinely receives A’s and B’s and after high school plans on attending college qith a major in World History with the goal of being a college professor one day.
- Andre and his BB Joey have been matched for almost a year and in that time Joey has seen Andre grow both socially and academically. Andre has been working extra hard with Joey on his reading and language aptitude this year and has made a lot of improvements earning A grades on two recent assignments. Joey is a reporter and shows Andre how to use his reporter skills to find the correct answer and to analyze the assignments he is working on. So we want to celebrate Andre’s excellent academic achievement this year. We know he will continue to utilize his reading skills in fourth grade.
- Mary is being recognized for her amazing kindness and ability to be such a wonderful friend. She is such a great friend that she has managed to get two Big Sisters this year! She is also being celebrated for her constant hugs and infectious laughter and smile.
- Rebecca has been matched with her Big Sister Connie for almost 9 years. they were matched in 2009 when Rebecca was in 4th grade. Over the years they have both had busy schedules but make time to spend with each other-appreciating and honoring the friendship they have had since Rebecca was 9. Rebecca’s is now 18 and getting ready to graduate from West Henderson High School. As a student Rebecca excelled in her scholastic endeavors, played for her school’s basketball team, maintained a part time job, and now aspires to be a member of the National Guard or to attend Blue Ridge Community College. She is still working out what she wants to do following graduation, but knows Big Sister Connie will support her no matter what.
- Little Sister Hailee was recognized for being courageous, taking control of her emotions and always trying hard.
- Alayna was recognized for her tremendous vocal talent. She sang duets with her Big at her first open mic show and at a concert performance and she and her Big have started to co-write songs together. Alayna served as M.C. of her Big’s musical performance by writing and delivering a short introduction of her Big in front of an audience. Alayna is a beauty guru, coaches her Big on choreography, instrumentation, costumes, makeup and hair-styling. She encourages her Big to be a more “sassy” singer. Alayna’s Big Sister is proud and humbled to be her Big!
- Tristan always impresses his Big Brother with his respectful manners when he interacts with people out in the community.
- William is bring recognized for his upcoming graduation from his elementary school and will start middle school this spring. He completed weekly after school tutoring for reading and writing in Spanish. William is very thankful for his 5th grade teacher because she really helps him and he is looking forward to attending camp this summer.
- “Rashad’s teacher tells me that he is one of her top kids in the class and they want him to tutor his classmates. They say he’s very smart, helpful and always willing to go above and beyond what is expected of him.” Gerry, Big Brother
- “Kellis is an amazing kid in so many ways. Her willingness to try new things—whether it’s horseback riding or Thai food—makes all our outings fun. She is also sweet and nurturing and loves helping others.” Alicia, Big Sister
- Dezya is recognized for having a wonderful year in 6th grade—maintaining A’s and B’s (she shines in math!) and she has excelled in tennis, volleyball and cheerleading. Dazya’s teachers recognize her as a leader among her peers. This summer she’s looking forward to a week at camp and 4 weeks at a specialized program in New York state.
- “Kayada has a kind heart: she shows concern for others, loves animals and it a good friend. She especially loves dogs and they love her too. She is also brave and likes to try new things, even when she thinks she might not like something. Kayada has a wonderful sense of humor and can make you laugh when you least expect it. She’s smart and fun to be around and we are all very lucky to have her in our community.” Elizabeth, Kayada’s Big Sister
- During her first year in middle school, Lonna was the manager of the wrestling team at Asheville Middle as well as participating in the theatre group there.
- Tatjiana was recognized for her love of dogs, goats, hatch animals and building robots. She loves an adventure too!
- Little Brother Riley was recognized for his courage and determination. On his first outing with his new Big Brother, Pete, he was about to go into the batting cages for the first time. He told his BB that he was scared. Pete asked him “Do you still want to go in?” At which point, Riley put on a brave face and said he did, indeed want to go ahead and try. Before long—he was hitting most of the pitches and hitting them well! He faced his fear.
- Little Brother Nino was voted President of his Career Club at his middle school last year. He plays for Highlands Football league as a left back soccer player going into his 5th year. Nino enjoys watching all sports and he is able to talk about the upcoming challenges for the season in each sport.
- Niko has had speaking lines in all of the 6th grade plays at his middle school—including Shakespeare. He played baseball for the Owen District and is finishing his season this month. Niko also plays Football as a lineman and wide receiver.
- Zion was recognized for always keeping a positive attitude.
- Little Sister Jasmine was recognized for being a great friend—not just to her Big Sister—but to ALL of her friends at school, at church in clubs and her family!
- Little Sister Zion was recognized for having one of her art pieces exhibited in the Asheville City Schools Annual Student Art Show, for demonstrating a positive attitude, good character and responsible citizenship by the Kiwanis Terrific Kids program. She’s also reading above grade level.
- Little Brother AJ gave a beautiful opening speech in which her directly addressed younger Littles in the crowd: ” Any of you can be a leader—you can do anything that you put your mind to.”
- Little Brother Dwayne has been on the A-B honor roll the entire school year. He has made the rank of Chief Petty Officer in the Navy JROTC, as well as receiving numerous awards in his unit and at competitions. He has been recognized by parents of students on his football team and in his JROTC unit as being a great mentor to their kids. He puts a lot of himself into helping others.
- “For six years now I’ve watched Tony grow from a little boy to a young man—and at each annual recognition dinner I am so proud to report how Tony continues hiw unwavering drive to be the very best person he can be. He excels in his school grades as he perpares to enter high school. Tony has a voracious intellectual curiosity and is at home discussing a variety of subjects ranging from philosophy to religion. He alos serves as an excellent big brother and role model to his five siblings and exhibits a strong work ethic at school and at home.” -Barry, Big Brother