Despite having great parents, Brendan Heaney was a “less than perfect kid, whose principal “probably knew my name and face better than my teachers,” he said. That’s why he wanted to be a Big Brother – to help a…
Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC
Meet our Big Sister of the Year, Hannah Epperson!
BBBSWNC congratulates its Big Sister of 2023 – Hannah Epperson! Hannah and Little Sister Caitlyn were matched in 2019 when Caitlyn was 8. “Hannah was up for the challenge from the get-go and did her best to plan activities that…
Congratulations to Karla, our Big Sister of the Year!
Karla Magaña has been named BBBSWNC’s Big Sister of the Year for helping her Little Sister Kira work through challenges while also championing our work to the Hispanic community in the Cashiers and Highlands area. Karla has been “the outlet…
Congratulations to Bill, our Big Brother of the Year!
Bill met JJ, his Little Brother, four years ago when JJ was in middle school. Typical kid, Bill said – not very organized, not much of a reader. Not the best communication skills. Since then, JJ has made a lot…
Debbie Welch, our Big Sister of the Year, is NC’s best!
Against great odds, a match molds NC’s Big Sister of the Year Debbie Welch of Western North Carolina has been chosen Big Sister of the Year (2022) by Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Carolina. Through adversity, health problems,…