Here’s a super-great story in The Mountaineer in Waynesville about how J.M. Teague Engineering got creative for Bowl For Kids’ Sake and how BBBS Haywood is recruiting Bigs and Littles (as are all branches in WNC).
Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC
Here’s our crazy Bowl For Kids’ Sake spot airing on WTZQ-FM
We love WTZQ! We’re sending them a big thank you for sponsoring our virtual Bowl for Kids’ Sake in Henderson County – and for letting us run this spot. If you would like to sponsor, donate, or register a virtual…
WTZQ asks us about Bowl For Kids’ Sake and how it works!
Thank you, WTZQ, for letting BBBS Henderson Advisory Council members Joey Popp, Candace McLaughlin and Chad Sizemore tells listeners about Bowl For Kids’ Sake 2021! This interview is a lot of fun!
It’s time to get your team together for Bowl For Kids’ Sake 2021!
Bowl For Kids’ Sake is totally online this year! Create a video (up to 60 seconds) of your team bowling anything except live animals or little kids (duh!) and send it to us. We’ll be making awards for Most Creative,…
Bowl For Kids Sake 2018 Photo Blog
What a swashbuckling event it was! With teams of pirates from all walks: Peter Pan pirates, peg-legged, eye-patched, hook-handed pirates—mateys and tricorn-adorned captains. Dagger-wielding, gold-hoop hanging pirates. Oh, and thanks to Johnny Depp—there was no shortage of “guy-liner-ed” eyes—or faux…