Thanks to Hendersonville’s Bearfootin’ At Walk, one of the bears – Shoot For The Stars – raised $5,200 for BBBS of Henderson County. What a fun event, what a gorgeously painted “bear,” and what a great show of support for…
Henderson County
Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Henderson County
Chief Program Officer: Morgan Harris Thompson,
Phone: 828-253-1470
Address: 50 S. French Broad Ave., Suite 213, Asheville, NC 28801
Please designate Henderson County as the recipient of this donation.
We are family (and other BBBS thoughts) are at BlueRidgeNow
Thank you, Blue Ridge Now, for publishing Jeff Nance’s wonderful column about how BBBS of Henderson County creates families for its kids, Bigs, and community! Fans of Sister Sledge and the Pittsburgh Pirates will love this column.
Andre is headed to camp, where his Big expects big things
Here’s a great story at BlueRidgeNow about Little Brother Andre (pictured) heading to summer camp, written by Joey Popp (also pictured), his Big Brother who talks about the transformative experience that camp can be. Thank you, BlueRidgeNow! And here’s the…
A former Big Brother has big news about his Little Brother
John Ariatti, a former Big Brother and BBBS Henderson Advisory Council member, shared this story recently with Joey Popp, a BBBSWNC Board of Directors member. Fifteen years ago, I was introduced to a 10-year-old boy by the name of Robert…
Get your tickets for A Taste of The Vineyard 2021!
Because we all missed holding our lively celebration last year … Because we all support the good work BBBS does year-round … Because we don’t need an excuse to help the kids of Henderson County … LET’S HAVE…