My biggest impact so far this year comes from the beginning of school, with a shy third-grader who was really on edge about her new classroom. I really did not think that trying to reach this third-grader was going to…
Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC
Another Project Mars ‘Great Story’ – A word whisperer works magic
Project MARS/AmeriCorps collects “Great Stories” from its members in which they reflect on their experiences mentoring in the classroom and the progress they see in students. This month’s story was written by Brooke Phillips. One of the many wonderful stories…
Another Project MARS Great Story – ‘Speechless’ after being thanked
“One student in particular, let’s call them ‘T,’ has been asking me to draw with them a lot and play tag almost every day. It’s very sweet! The specific moment that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about happened…
Another Great Story – A nonverbal student learns a name
I have served with AmeriCorps for a few months now and have had the experience of working with some many brilliant young minds. I have been moved about the school to different classrooms with different students. I now serve with…
Another Great Story – a challenging student but also lots of love
I have enjoyed working alongside the new first-grade teacher, and I must say I think I have helped her come out of her shell a bit. We have had behavior issues in our room all year. One specific child who…